Thank you for streaming to sidelineHD!
Larix Broadcaster is updating their app to require a monthly fee. The $9.99 subscription unlocks HEVC compression and the ability to save video footage to your phone. The app cannot be used without subscription (30 min streaming limit).
For users that don't require those features, we recommend sidelineCAM, our FREE in-house streaming option.
With sidelineCAM, no app is required. Just log in to your sidelineHD account, go to your TEAM page, and click GO LIVE.
For many livestreamers all you'll need is the sidelineHD App. Read more on sidelineCAM.
Advanced livestreamers may still want to use Larix’s advanced HEVC compression and ability to save video to your phone. Read more on Larix / Mevo / GoPro and other camera options.
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