By default, sidelineHD YouTube broadcasts are public. SidelineHD works with YouTube privacy settings, and allows you to restrict the viewing of completed games to logged-in members of your team community.
YouTube Privacy Options
SidelineHD auto-creates a YouTube broadcast after we receive a live video feed from your camera.
By default, broadcasts are public. Your channel's subscribers will receive notifications from YouTube. Public broadcasts are searchable on YouTube.
To restrict post-game viewing, select "Make unlisted after broadcast finishes". When the stream concludes, the broadcast will be set unlisted.
- Unlisted broadcasts do not show up on search and are not shown on your channel page.
- SidelineHD only allows logged-in community members to click-through to the broadcast (player managers, coaches, and team managers).
You can at change your broadcast to be public, unlisted, or private at any time via YouTube Studio (This can be done while a broadcast is LIVE.) For more information on this setting and how to adjust it, see this help page.
SidelineHD Link Management / YouTube Viewing Controls
If a broadcast is unlisted on YouTube, sidelineHD restricts who can click-through to view it.
If someone is NOT a logged-in player manager, coach, or team manager, they will be prevented from clicking-through to the broadcast:
(Note: most extended family members will see this message, as guests who receive SMS messages do not have sidelineHD accounts.)
If the video has been deleted or is marked as private, this message will show:
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